Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Breakfast by the sea, showers and sunbathing.

As James was on nights we went and met him in coloundra and cooked breakfast on the bbqs by the sea. While Miranda and I prepared the Kanga Bangers, bacon and eggs the guys and Debbie tried to catch some fish. The breakfast was more successful as it was too windy to fish. The Kanga Bangers were delicious, and so cool the gas bbqs are provided by the councils on beachfronts for free.

As the fishing wasn't great we walked up and down the prom looking at the kite surfers and views of the glass mountains in the distance. James wanted to show us the wreck at a beach further along so we drove across and as we turned back to the car after seeing the wreck the heavens opened!! I took a picture about 5 mins before as you could see the rain over the ocean, felt like we had been in the ocean after the rain it was so heavy!

Miranda, James and I made a run for it to the car while Debbie and Paul took cover under a tree as Miranda and I had waxing appointments in Mooloolaba. We only just made it in time and the lady was super quick but I have ticked another thing off the list, No.1 get a wax. I would say it was probably more painful than getting a tattoo but wore off quicker, although its a shame the results aren't permanent like a tattoo.

The rain was on and off but stopped late afternoon when we headed to the beach before Mirandas last shift before Port Douglas, I am actually typing this up on the beach now, it's so nice to be warm :)

Quite a chilled night planned tonight, I'm going to pack for our trip to Port Douglas as we fly tomorrow for 5 days, make a salad for us all for dinner, and go for a wander round the shops on the front. I won't have wifi in Port Douglas so the next few posts maybe a little more spread out but jam packed as we have lots of fun stuff booked.

It is so beautiful out here and keep having moments of 'Am I actually here' and Miranda had one too last night that I was actually in Aus! They have such a great lifestyle and it is so healthy out here, I can't definitely see why they stayed a few more months.

Love Nikki xXx

1 comment:

  1. Reading this is making me want to go back.... permanently. So glad you're enjoying it!! xx
